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Der Klassiker: Moehrentorte
(aus dem Zwergenstuebchen Backbuch, Vehling-Verlag)
- 12 Scheiben Zwieback,
- 5 Eier,
- 250gr Zucker,
- 250gr gemahlene Haselnuesse,
- 250gr geraspelte Moehren,
- Saft & Schale einer unbehandelten Zitrone,
- 3 Teeloeffel Backpulver,
- 200gr Kuvertuere
Und los geht's: Die 12 Scheiben Zwieback in ein Handtuch geben, zusammenschlagen und mit einem Wellholz zerreiben. Eigelb und Zucker schaumig ruehren. Nuesse, Backpulver, Moehren, Zwiebackmehl, Zitronensaft und -schale beimischen. Eiweiss zu Schnee schlagen und dann unterheben. Den Teig in eine gefettete Form fuellen.
Bei 175 - 195° Grad C 1 Stunde backen.
Mit Kuvertuere ueberziehen und mit Marzipanmoehren verzieren.
Die Carrotqueen hat natürlich noch viel mehr drauf - einfach 'ne Mail schicken!
( out of the book "Zwergenstuebchen Backbuch" published by the Vehling-publishing house at Basel - Graz)
- 12 slices rusk,
- 5 eggs,
- 250gr of sugar,
- 250gr of grinded hazelnuts,
- 250gr of grated carrots,
- juice & grated skin of an untreated lemon,
- 3 teaspoons of baking powder,
- 200gr of icing sugar
And off we go: put the 12 slices of rusk into a towel and crush them by means of a rolling pin. Wisk the egg yolk and the sugar. Add the hazelnuts, the backing powder, the carrots, the crushed rusk as well as the juice & the grated skin of the untreated lemon and mix it. Wisk the egg white until soft peaks form and fold it into the a.m. mixture. Fill the batter into a greased tin.
Bake in the oven at 175 - 195 degrees C for an hour.
Cover the carrotcake with icing sugar and decorate it with marzipan carrots on top.
As I am a professional cake eater and not a professional cooking recipes translator, I reject any liability claims point-blank: when my wife bakes this cake, it tastes delicious so don't blame it on the translation!